All posts filed under: book

MAKI:minimag_Seasons by Blexbolex_Summer reading list

Summer reading list #5 : Seasons by Blexbolex

Today it is already the last book of our summer reading list: “Seasons” by Blexbolex. The illustrations about summer are so lovely and diverse that even if it is a book about all the four seasons we chose it for our summer reading list. On creamy-white paper a world of associative, silkscreen-like illustrations unfolds – about the cycle of nature and the different qualities of the seasons. Every picture is combined with a descriptive term in capital letters. “A picnic, a shadow, a camping”. “Seasons” shows general themes and things such as ice-cream, swimming pool and departure, but zooms in on small details as well, such as a sunburn, a forgotten towel or ant-trails.   Blexbolex is a French author, comics artist and illustrator. He has a special, highly experimental approach to printmaking and book production. His illustrations are quite poster-like, with simple shapes, bold colours and an overall retro-feel. Blexbolex has won prestigious awards as the Best Book Design at the Leipzig Book Fair 2009 and The New York Times Best Illustrated Book in 2010). If you want to know more …


Tate Kids British Art activity book for kids

The new book on our MAKI:wishlist – Tate Kids British Art activity book for kids While writing about books and working on our first printed issue of children´s magazine MAKI:minimag we come across so many great books we would like to have. So why not put them on a MAKI:minimag wishlist and share them all with you? Our first one is the Tate Kids British Art activity book for kids, illustrated by great James Lambert. Here is what this charming activity book for kids is all about: “This book includes art activities based on 10 historical, modern and contemporary British artworks. Devised by Tate Kids online editor with designer/illustrator James Lambert, it is a fun and insightful introduction to art. Throw yourself into British art with this zany book of activities based on artworks by some of Britain’s most exciting artists. Play a game of ‘Formaldehyde and Seek’ inspired by Damien Hirst; take cues from Barbara Hepworth and carve a sculpture out of soap; and find out how to capture the spectacular glow of J.M.W. …

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Pop Up Art 2

The book “Die blaue 2” is the follow up of “1 roter Punkt” (One red dot) by David A. Carter. This time it is a blue two that is hiding very elaborately in different architectural paper constructions. Again it is a true piece of artwork made of paper!!! Das Buch “Die blaue 2” ist das Nachfolgebuch von “1 roter Punkt” von David A. Carter. Dieses Mal ist es eine blaue Zwei die sich sehr kunstvoll in den verschiedenen architektonischen Papierkonstruktionen versteckt. Wieder ein echtes Kunstwerk aus Papier!!! Het boek “Die blaue 2” is de opvolger van “1 roter Punkt” (1 rode stip) van David A. Carter. Deze keer is het een blauwe twee die zich heel kunstvol in verschillende architectonische papierconstructies verstopt. Het is weer een echt kunstwerk gemaakt van papier!!!     Like this:Like Loading…

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Pop Up Art

The book “1 roter Punkt” (One red dot) by David A. Carter is a true piece of artwork made of paper. It received the Hans-Christian-Andersen-medal for the best artistic picture book in 2005. On every of the 10 double pages a refined paper construction unfolds – filigree, stunning, in elementary colours and forms. And in every paper-architecture a red dot is hiding. While following the numbers from 1 to 10 and searching for the red dot one is thrilled by the surprising diversity of shapes. It is fun to fiddle about the construction of paper lids, wheels and garlands – no matter what age! Das Buch “1 roter Punkt” von David A. Carter is ein wahres Kunstwerk aus Papier. Es wurde 2005 mit der Hans-Christian-Andersen-Medaille  für das beste künstlerische Bilderbuch ausgezeichnet. Auf jeder der 10 Doppelseiten entfaltet sich eine raffinierte Papier-Konstruktion  –  filigran, verblüffend, in elementaren Farben und Formen. Und in jedem Gebilde steckt „1 roter Punkt”. Man folgt den Zahlen von 1 bis 10 und freut sich an der Vielfalt der überraschenden Gestaltungsideen. Neugierige und Tüftler jeglichen Alters …

MAKI:minimag_Atop a Daniel Frost

Atop a hill in Frostville

↓ Scroll down for Dutch/German version! A book without words. Is that possible?!? Yes, it is – as Daniel Frost, a young, London based illustrator proves. His first children´s book is called „Atop a hill in Frostville“ and is a wordless story. A boy and his dog wake up on a sunny morning and go on a walk through town. This is the beginning of a long, adventurous chase! Every page bristles with visual energy and humour, extraordinary and exaggerated characters, inventive street scenes and colourful details. For hours you can look, laugh, discover and invent stories….   Daniel Frosts style is modern and fresh, with a nod to 1950/60ies illustrations and their limited colour palette. Using watercolour paint, crayons and collage and a simplified imagery he creates quirky and funny worlds and characters. Inspired by the strangeness of everyday life.  For little ones and grown ups!  More of Daniel Frost and his current work here. Atop a hill in Frostville is published by Little Otsu, Portland.   Een boek zonder woorden. Is dat mogelijk? Ja, is het – …