All posts filed under: MAKI:juju

MAKI:minimag_equisgarcia_Bauhaus Wooden Blocks

Bauhaus Wooden Blocks – Typography toy for kids

Hello everyone! We are back from vacation and preparing some really nice stuff for MAKI:minimag. As for example these Bauhaus Wooden Blocks by Xavi Garcia  for Equisgarcia.  Josef Albers’ typography and Alma Buscher’s toys combine to inspire this set of 100 construction blocks. It is a super smart and beautiful typography toy for kids – to build letters and numbers as well as figures of all kind.  The blocks were designed by Spanish artist Xavi Garcia, they are hand-crafted in his family´s wood workshop in Frades de la Sierra, Spain. If you want to order them more information here. Fotos via   Like this:Like Loading…

MAKI:minimag_Libuse Niklova_gonfle_3

Splash!!! Cool Summer with Libuše Niklová

It is finally summer! That is why I wanna show you this great bath toy – a seahorse –  by my toy designer hero Libuše Niklová. Fatra, the company she worked for, is still in business today, and they re-edited some of Niklová´s toys. Unfortunately not the sea horse… but other ones!!  And they approached contemporary Czech designers amongst which graphic designer Zuzana Lednická from Studio Najbrt, who re-interpreted the toys from the ’70s and created contemporary versions of them. Zuzana Lednická did some great beach balls.  Summer in Style! Have fun:)   Not for swimming but still very beautiful ad designed by Libuše Niklová: these baby toys! Like this:Like Loading…

MAKI:minimag_Têtes, Bêtes, Lettres_Pepillo

“Têtes, Bêtes, Lettres” . game by Pepillo

A happy girl, a mister wearing a moustache, a sun, a walking R…these and lots of more figures never looked more charming and fun than when assembled with the lovely iPad-app “Têtes, Bêtes, Lettres” by Pepillo. Illustrator Celine Vernier designed it as a follow-up to the book/game” Têtes, Bêtes, Lettres”, a sticker booklet edited by Helium. Simple graphic elements that can be combined to build little universes, plays of words, letter characters. Super original, super beautiful, super simple!        Like this:Like Loading…

The Play: Modernist toy exhibition in London

London calling!!! The exhibition THE PLAY: Toys, Sets, Rules, organised by systems shows Modernist toys from the 1960ies with objects drawn from the personal archives of Roger Limbrick, Patrick Rylands, Fredun Shapur and Ken Garland. The four designers formed a loosely associated group that emerged in London in the 1960s. The doll house with open sides by Roger Limbrick won an Observer Design Award in 1969 and is part of the Victoria and Albert Museum collection.  Also on who’s is our beloved bath toy Duck by Patrick Rylands, produced in 1993 by AmbiToys, that works for any age – from 0 to 99. Furthermore there are toys by Fredun Shaper (like the Serpentino)  and Ken Garland (the Connect game and the Plytech Chair). Until July 4, 2015! Plytek Chair, Ken Garland + Associates c.1965, unrealised prototype Four-Way Blocks, Fredun Shapur 1972, Creative Playthings Connect, Ken Garland + Associates 1968, produced by James Galt Balancing Troupers, Fredun Shapur 1963, prototype (later realized by Kurt Naef) Serpentino, Fredun Shapur 1980, produced by Kurt Naef Joupii, Patrick Rylands 1970, produced by Il Leccio Open Side …

play: ZOO it!

↓ Scroll down for English/German version! Zoo van Flavia Ruotolo is een van ons lievelingsboeken. Geïnspireerd door haar blokken-dieren gingen wij zelf aan de slag. En een nieuw spelletje was geboren: ZOO it! Krokodillen, een giraf, een olifant en een leeuw hadden zich blijkbaar al hééél erg lang in de blokkendoos verstopt:) Nu zijn ze eruit! Roaaaar!!!  Like this:Like Loading…

Bigplic et Miniploc

Magic illustrations Bigplic et Miniploc is a playful and beautifully designed game/ i-pad / i-phone app for toddlers (+2) and older children. One of our MAKI minimag favorites for a long time already!   Shapes and Colours: The creative mastermind behind Bigplic et Miniploc is French designer Céline Vernier and her playful design studio Pepillo. It is based on the idea of combining basic shapes and basic colours: circles, rectangles, triangles AND  red, blue and yellow.  The game starts as a puzzle: you have to drag and drop the  forms to the matching outlines. When you are ready with dragging and dropping the picture will be finished. And you will her some APPLAUSE (really nice audio :)) Get creative yourself:  When you have completed the picture, all it´s elements are provided on the bottom of your digital playground. So you get extra  building blocks and you can start to make your own illustrations, create, build, expand, …..and give it your own form. Share it with others: When your illustration is ready you can share it via Social Media or e-mail and send it to family and friends. This is a …