All posts tagged: Punkte

Tactile poetry

“Press Here”, that is a super imaginative and interactive children´s book by Hervé Tullet, published in 2011. The app is based on the book, but Herve Tullet did not want it to be a copy oft he book, but different and innovative, a kind of ‘tactile poetry’, as he called it. The app is designed for younger children up to the age of 10. It includes 15 tactile and creative activities with perfectly pitched colors, graphics, music and sound effects. It is all about brightly winking, blinking, multiplying, and colliding dots. Some activities are quite basic, as with the “Press Here” page, where you create and tilt dots and watch them spill. Others call for more critical thinking. And some, like the one where the dots eat one another, are pure fun. “Press Here”, das ist ein super einfallsreiches und interaktives Kinderbuch von Hervé Tullet, aus dem Jahr 2011. Die App hat das Buch als Ausgangspunkt, Tullet wollte aber bewusst keine Kopie machen, sondern etwas anderes, innovatives, eine Art „taktile Poesie“, wie er es nennt. Die …